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Great motivational quotes
The human mind is designed to maintain the status quo of your body and prevent changes from happening. This is why it takes so much effort and discipline to achieve a new goal, whether it is personal or professional.

You need to be constantly motivated in your pursuit to reach that goal, and that motivation can come from several sources.

Sometimes you find motivation by looking at the people around you, sometimes it comes from the words of a person close to you. At other times, the urgency of a situation could motivate you enough.

If none of them seem to work, you can also find motivation from the wisdom of some of the greatest people in the world.

Here are some of the best and wisest motivational quotes that will give you the inspiration to march on until you reach your goal.

Whether you think you can or think you cannot, you are right
~Henry Ford

Your achievements are only limited to your thinking. If you set your mind to something, you come closer to reaching that goal.

If not, then you have already made up your mind and raised a barrier that will prevent you from reaching it.

A ship is safe in harbor, but that is not what a ship is built for
~William H. Shedd

This quote is generally attributed to William H. Shedd, but some sources differ. Nevertheless, it reminds you to go out and achieve your goals no matter what.

Hiding away and living your life without a clear goal in mind may be the easiest and safest thing to do, but it is not what we are meant for.

Everyone has the potential to do something greater in life, but it is never easy or free of risk. If you want to achieve something, you have to face the risks and get past them.

Life is what happens while you are busy making other plans
~John Lennon

Have you been in a situation where you spend so much time planning something that you miss the opportunity to turn it into reality? It has happened to me and I’ve lost precious time in the process.

A few years ago, I made a long-term plan for my health, only waiting for something else to come up and my plans to fail. Planning is good, but sometimes you have to just take the leap. I took the leap by joining a local gym, and I did stumble in the beginning.

However, I have lost 30 pounds of fat and have never felt so fit, happy, and energetic before.

No one can make you feel inferior without your consent
~Eleanor Roosevelt

This quote by Eleanor Roosevelt is a great reminder that you are in charge of what you feel and how you react to others. It does not relate to motivation, but to negative thoughts and words you hear when you are moving toward your goals.

Many people often get demotivated by the nay-sayers, but eventually, you have the power to ignore these thoughts and march ahead.

What are some of the great motivational quotes that drive you? Share with us in the comments below!

Image by VinothChandar.

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