“Never give up on what you really want to do. The person with big dreams is more powerful than the one with all the facts.” ~Unknown

Hello and welcome. First off, I want to thank you for checking out this page. It’s a good start to explore PYG because there’s a lot of content on the site, and the last thing I want you to feel is overwhelm.

That said, let’s begin at the beginning. Since you’re here, I understand you as a driven person, with goals and dreams of your own, someone who wants to get motivated and focussed on their path to fulfilment.

But many times, the path to fulfilment becomes a curse. It’s hard and bumpy and lonely. Can you relate?

“When you are going through hell, keep on going. Never never never give up.” ~Winston Churchill

The path is of course enticing for dream chasers like us, and only once you set on it, you realize there is more to it. Yet sometimes, it is just hard to continue and you feel like giving up. The dreams are no longer enticing, and you feel like quitting.

And just when you are about to give up, a still, small voice within speaks. It urges you to keep on keeping on no matter what. It brings you resourcefulness of resilience, perseverance and focus.

I figure that’s why you are here too. You have listened to that still, small voice within and want some more validation. Perhaps, you are looking for support more than validation. You are in good company. Here’s what you can do next:

Step 1: Get the newsletter

Join other dream chasers who know it is possible to live a fulfilled life. If you are ready to give up living a meaningless and unhappy existence, join us on this journey for more validation + support.

Step 2: Join the tribe

We’re slowly but steadily growing our community of people who love to accomplish goals by taking action.  We are no super-humans – we’re afraid of change, failure and the unknown. But despite the fear, we take baby steps toward fulfilling our dreams. If you can relate, join the tribe on Facebook.

Step 3: Best of Pick Your Goals

I started PYG as a resource dedicated to helping people decide what’s important, take action and never settle. Here is a compilation of some of the most popular posts you will drive inspiration from.





“Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all.” ~Dale Carnegie


I hope you find that something you came here looking for. If you would like to read about a certain aspect that is not covered on PYG, feel free to reach me and share your story. I am always looking for people who have something to say, a personal story of overcoming fear and embracing change. You never know you might touch someone’s life through the power of word.

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