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How I make a living as a writer and you can too.
Have you ever day-dreamed at work?

I have. In fact, I used to do that a lot.

I’d stare at the computer screen, dreaming about doing something that would inspire me.

Doing something that would truly make me happy.

And allow me to use my creativity to make a living.

A lot of times, I’d read stories of other entrepreneurs who started an online business with ridiculously low investments.

One day, I discovered that you could create a website for under $20 and get it up and running in under 30 minutes.

I was hooked. Soon, I was consuming new information and digesting it. Although when the thought of taking action came, I’d suppress it because I was afraid.

Each day, I’d “escape” my working window and open up a new one to read blogs of these people who were living their passion.

After five years of courting the idea of quitting my job in hopes of something bigger, better and less restraining, I finally quit to start my writing business from home.

I remember that evening when I came back from work. I’d quit! I was ecstatic.

I’d finally be free from the shackles of a day job and do what I always wanted to.

What could go wrong? I had done enough research. I knew where to look for assignments.

That evening, I sent out a few emails to prospective “clients” that would hire me, and waited.

And waited…


Until a few days later, one responded back.

She was a Content Manager for a rev-share site. I won’t go into details, but suffice it to say that with a rev-share site, you don’t know when you’ll get paid (if you get paid at all that is).

After writing several pieces for them, I had whopping $34 in my account and that’s when the company decided their model was no longer working and the website shut down.

What happened to my $34? Who knows.

So much for a glimmer of hope.

But that was not a complete waste — I learned heaps from writing those few pieces at 700 words each. I used them as clips for real clients.

That was in early 2010. Many such hard lessons later, I came to discover a whole new world of lucrative freelance writing assignments that’s so different from a typically dull 9-5 JOB.

I make full-time living working (almost) part-time.

Here’s what you’re getting into.

I get to work from home;

I can wake up at 9 AM or work until 2 AM if I want to;

I help amazing clients with their content;

I can take a day off in the middle of the week “just because”;

My work constantly gives me that warm, fuzzy feeling inside every day.

Luck is B.S.

I didn’t reach her by chance or luck. It has been a looong journey of learning, unlearning and relearning in my business.

A profound principles in life is that there is no overnight success. I read on James Altucher’s blog once. An overnight success takes at least five years of solid work.

So freaking true.

Your life doesn’t give a rat’s ass about you.

If you don’t show interest in it, that is.

But if you want to create a life on your terms, listen up.

I want you to have it all. I want you to live the life I’m living.

I am willing to give you everything I’ve learned in these 4+ years all wrapped beautifully in a gift box.

This is where we reach a fork in the road.

At this point, I want to tell you two things:

  • This is no get-rich-quick scheme.
  • If you want to make a living as a writer, you need to know how to write and string a sentence together.

And this is not for everyone, by the way.

If you cannot sacrifice the stability of a monthly paycheck even a little bit (because you’ll need a few extra hours transition into your writing business, gradually) OR if you cannot spare a few hours to put into your business from the start, you can safely skip reading any further.

This is for you if:

  • You love freedom and working on your own terms;
  • You’re ready to do the work;
  • Hate the feeling of a “boss” always looking over your shoulder;
  • Want to spend ore time with your family instead of commuting;
  • Have no ceiling over what you can make per month
  • Love writing

So! I am excited to invite you to The Well-Paid Writers’ Club.

Inside the Club there is everything you need to get started to make a living writing.

It is my hold-your-hand mentorship course that has step-by-step reports on how to:

  • break into freelance writing with no experience
  • make your first $1000 writing
  • find high-paying new clients
  • transition into writing full-time (if you wish to quit your day job)
  • market your services as a new writer without appearing desperate
  • identify the types of writing that pay from writing scams
  • pitch editors and get new assignments
  • negotiate and price your service
  • insider tips from my ow first-hand experience
  • monthly Q & A to ask your burning questions about your business
  • access to a writer community

All this at a monthly price of a cheap dinner.

Let me be honest. Working behind the scenes on the Club has already taken more than 15 hours, and I’ve not even uploaded 15% of the content yet.

Using simple math, if I were coaching you for 15 hours, I’d charge you $2475 at least.

In the Club, I am giving away the same lessons I do with my one-on-one coaching clients. I give away marketing tips and productivity hacks through resources that you can keep for life.

I also host a monthly webinar where you get to interact and ask me your burning questions first hand.

Ask me anything from getting your first break or moving to $6K/mo in your writing business.

Value? Priceless.

You can have all this at only $19/mo.

No, I’m not kidding.

How to Become a (Paid) Writer & Make Your First 1K Writing

At this time, I am taking only 20 driven students inside the Club. If you think you’re one, go here and register your interest.

We’ll be opening the gates for the first time in the coming days. Behind the gates, your content is ready, waiting to be served.

You can opt out anytime. No “cancellation fees”. No “contracts”. Nothing.

It’s only for 20 people who are READY to make an extra income from writing from home.

Once you tell me you’re interested, you’ll be the first one to know when the gates open.

I’m not sure when we’ll open them again once 20 seats are filled.


Listen: You’re unique. You have a message to share. And writing can give you that platform. The possibilities are endless.

I know what you’re capable of.

So I’ll be waiting for you on the other side.

Let’s get this party started!



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