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Behavioral flexibility

Hola! Welcome to episode#4 of Living and Extraordinary Life Series. This principle ties in well with the last one, which was Sensory Acuity.

Principle #4 is having behavioral flexibility.

You see, it’s stupid to know your outcome, take action toward it and keep doing it even though you’re not getting any closer to your original goal.

Yes, persistence is a great attribute to have, but stubbornness? Not so much. With your awareness you can gauge if the life you’re living is by design or by default.

Living a life by default means you’ve got something off. It could be the timing, the action, the approach, or even your beliefs about the whole thing.

In this podcast, we decode how you can turn-around any situation by being flexible enough about your behaviors. That means you tweak your behavior (action steps, beliefs around your goal etc) and then measure the results.

We also look at a mantra I personally use a lot in my life, and suggest my clients too.

“Do Something Else”

When things are not going the way you’d like them to be, STOP cribbing and whining because from past experience, you know that’s not going to serve you.

Instead, do something else. Do one thing differently. Change something about your action. Try on a new belief.

Stuck for a long time?
Not getting enough results?
Unsure why things are not working?
Shit hit the fan?!

Just do something else. 

As simple as that, but works wonders. Try it.

We also decode why we do what we do using BJ Fogg’s Behavior Model.

All behavior is based on reason. For you to behave a certain way, something must be happening right to cause it.

Fogg’s model explains what makes up a behavior (and how you can change it too for behavioral flexibility). Here are the 3 elements we explore in-depth in the podcast:

1. Core motivators
2. Ability
3. Triggers

All this, and more, in this week’s lesson. Listen below and tell me what you think (~17 mins.):

Podcast Episode 4: Listen here


Missed Episode 1? Listen here. [~8 mins.]
Missed Episode 2? Listen here. [~12 mins.]
Missed Episode 3? Listen here. [~10 mins.]


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