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Principles of Success - Know Your Outcome

Welcome to Episode #1 of the first podcast ever at Pick Your Goals! 🙂

I am super-thrilled to launch this baby and trust that you’ll gain value out of it.

Today’s podcast is about the first principle of success and extraordinary living. Over the course of next few weeks, I will share one principle of how you can live an extraordinary life, right here and right now, via a super-short and value-packed podcast.

Do you know what separates successful people from those who are not? A handful of principles as it turns out. The principles come from NLP or Neuro Linguistic Programming and I’ve personally found them to work 100% of the times.

And it ALL starts with the first principle which is knowing your outcome. If I am clueless about what I want from my efforts, I get a mediocre result. It’s like bread; there is no passion in it. Like existing, and very unlike thriving.

Why are you working your a** off day in and day out? Why are you in that relationship? Why are you taking up that project?

When you answer the why, any how will take care of itself. Your why is your outcome — that’s why you’re in the game!

To live an extraordinary life, you got to know what your specific life looks like. What’s extraordinary for you? In short, what are you shooting for? What do you want as a result of your efforts?

Simple example: You wake up in the morning and walk toward the kitchen. You know you want to have some coffee. Without that knowledge of outcome, you’d be lost and waste your time.

Same goes with life. I can’t tell you about the innumerable times I’ve just gotten into the “action” part without fully realizing whether or not the outcome is what I want.

I hope to share the same message with you through this podcast.

It’s less than 10 minutes long, so give it a listen and tell me what you think!

Podcast Listen here


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