Have you gone through a phase in your life when you try to change something about yourself or achieve a specific goal, but just can’t? You repeatedly make sincere, committed efforts for self-improvement, but that one element continues to elude you?
It could be anything. . . weight-loss, self-confidence, a promotion or even the ability to stay in a long-term committed relationship.
I’ve realized the first step towards self-improvement is the belief that your goal for better-living is achievable. Once you start looking for strategies to achieve your personal goals, you will discover several excellent ideas. You then have to choose what works for you.
Changing habits or personality traits is difficult because the human brain is trained to respond to various situations and stimuli in specific ways. Your habits have formed over many years and cannot be changed overnight, but yes, they can be changed.
Your journey in self-improvement starts with the acceptance that you need to work on your problem areas, which could be personal attitudes or habits. You need to have clarity on the habits, attitudes or responses you wish to change.
The definition of insanity is doing the same things and expecting different results. For a fulfilled living, you need to prune the old strategies that don’t work and apply new ones in their place.
Change won’t be instant, but when you keep at it your brain’s pathways will ultimately establish it as a strong response.
Here are 7 self-improvement strategies that I’ve adopted, and you can too, to live a better life:
1. Look for inspirational literature
Personally, I gain valuable insights in self-improvement books. Some of you may find inspiring quotes and info graphics very appealing.
Remember that you are unique and your inspiration may come from religious texts or online articles, or even a magazine. Just read as much as possible.
Once you’ve found your source of inspiration, keep it accessible to refer to when you need a boost. You will find yourself better equipped to manage all that life hurls at you.
2. Surround yourself with positive people
As I travelled the path towards self-improvement, I discovered that many of the people around me were amazing and unique individuals.
Having people with similar interests, such as writing, healthy eating and even ongoing learning will work wonders for you.
If you don’t see anyone you’d like to connect with in your immediate circle, look for like-minded people in one of the numerous online communities and blogs.
3. Define your core principles
… and then follow them. Remember that the most important person for yourself is you. Each individual has their own core values and beliefs; defining and sticking to them will achieve wonders for your self-esteem.
You will be able to establish a strong foundation for yourself and be motivated to be consistent, an exceptional personality trait. Define personal development goals that you want to achieve to put things into the right perspective.
4. Humility is an asset
Humility is an essential trait for better living. Realizing that your problems are exceedingly insignificant in the grand scheme will help you understand life from a different perspective and learn new things.
Don’t let your focus get distracted by insignificant things. Instead of getting sidetracked by negative things, work on staying focused on positive things. You will achieve inner peace and calm in the long run.
5. Eliminate all sources of avoidable stress
I used to feel strongly about many things, and had unwavering opinions about them. I would over-react to certain situations; but after acquiring my better living mantra, I simply started ignoring them.
Get rid of anything that causes you unnecessary stress. Once you choose to surround yourself with positivity, the negativity of anything will not reach you. Accepting that life will never be perfect will help you deal with issues when they arise.
6. Strive to be the best
“Success leaves clues” ~Tony Robbins
Nothing succeeds like success. Becoming the best in your area of expertise will give you an unparalleled feeling of exuberance. This will not happen in one day and you will have to work on it continually.
If you look at the people you admire around you, you will realize that they have a reputation for one excellent achievement and everyone simply assumes that they are equally good at everything else. Repute for excellence at your workplace will work wonders for your confidence.
7. Make healthy lifestyle choices
You have to realize that nothing is as important for your self-improvement as your health and physical fitness. Looking good and feeling good are two intertwined phenomena. Adopt a healthy lifestyle that includes healthy eating, exercising and commitment to both.
You will think clearly, need less medical care and save money. The positivity I feel after walking out of the gym early in the morning is unparalleled!
What other strategies do you use for self-improvement in your life? Share with us in the comments below!