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Online Business Productivity Free Launch
I am excited to announce the free launch of my first ever Kindle eBook to you, my exclusive readers — Online Business Productivity: Be Super Productive. Get More Done in Less Time. Make Your Lifestyle Business Soar!

If you’re a work-at-home online entrepreneur, this book is for you. For the past 3 and a half years, I have been working on my Lifestyle businesses on the Internet and the journey has been nothing short of eventful!

Yet if you’re a 9-5’er, this productivity guide has something for you too! So don’t miss the chance to read it for free during the promo.

I’ve had days when I’d be glued to the computer, sitting on my desk for hours without taking a break to stretch or get myself a glass of water.

Being a “shiny-object-syndrome” person, I was afraid I’d lose my “flow” if I stopped working for even a minute. . . The result? Long working nights and weekends. I was drained of energy and given a chance, would prefer to sleep in.

You’d think that doing so much, I was perhaps getting a lot done and ticking off the boxes. Actually, quite the opposite.

The outcome was an unhealthy lifestyle where productivity was at stake. I’ve realized that productivity is not about how many hours you’re on your desk or tapping away the keyboard — it is not about how “busy” you are.

Busy ≠Productive

I read a lot of text on how to be productive working from home on your lifestyle business, and what I found was hundreds of techniques that you could use. This caused another problem: Overwhelm!

So, as a new lifestyle entrepreneur, I sat down, applied the techniques suggested by the online gurus, noted down what worked and what did not, and drew a blueprint of productivity. That is how this ebook was born!

Get your free copy (for 5 days only) here: http://amzn.to/1b5htj0

What is this eBook about?

Online Business Productivity” will let you discover:

  • The mindset of a successful lifestyle entrepreneur
  • 5 key steps to taming the beast of time
  • 5 simple hacks that will boost your daily productivity
  • 6 success principles of a profitable lifestyle business
  • What procrastination really is + how to beat it
  • How to procrastinate on the right thing
  • The 4 major time-killers in your lifestyle business + how to tackle them
  • ONE simple email tweak that will free up LOADS of your time
  • 5 must-have online tools to help you do even more
  • Finding your pain/pleasure point to get motivated

I Need Your Help…

As you may know, Amazon is a platform that lets you self-publish eBooks. This is my first eBook and I am giving away free copies for next five days only.

But…I also need YOUR help in doing this. IF you find the guide useful and value-adding, please leave a review on Amazon.com. The link for the eBook is this. Once there, just click the “Review this item” link to write your review.

What if I Don’t Have a Kindle Device?

You can still read Kindle eBooks on your computer, laptop, iPad, iPhone, Android phone etc.

To read it on your computer, go here

To read it on your Android device, go here

To read it on your Blackberry, go here

To read it on your iPhone or iPod Touch, go here

To read it on your Windows phone, go here

For more options, go here.

What Next?

I’d love for you to read it and share your thoughts/lessons/feedback/comments with me through the comments below. I’d also be most grateful if you could leave a review on Amazon.com.

Get your free copy (for 5 days only) here: http://amzn.to/1b5htj0

The launch ends on September 27, 2013, and I won’t be running another free promo for next 3 months, so get your copy today.

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts!

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