Do you have a difficult time waking up in the morning? Do you never seem to get enough sleep? Caffeine takes forever to kick in?
Waking up can be difficult for most, but there are ways to evaluate your sleepiness.
Continue reading to learn ways to wake up early feeling refreshed and renewed — and ready to take the world by storm. Here are 8 ways I developed a habit to wake up early:
1. Schedule:
Start following a sleep schedule. Have a routine in place that will allow you to brush your teeth, change into night clothes, and then read “50 Shade of Grey” or your book of choice. (That’s just a personal favorite.)
Developing a routine can unconsciously inform your body that you are getting sleepy. If you are getting a full 8 hours of sleep, then you are well on your way to feeling rejuvenated in the morning.
2. Meditate:
I currently meditate when I wake up in the morning and 30 minutes before I hit the sheets. It tells my body to calm down my thoughts and stay in touch with my inner being.
There are so many types of meditation out there that it is an endless outlet. There is guided, yoga, musical, spiritual, mindfulness, and mantra to name a few. I would recommend playing around on to see which fits you best.
Also, Deepak Chopra has a 21-day meditation challenge that he offers for free every two to three months. This information can be found on his main website,
3. Eat Good Food:
Evaluating your food intake is crucial. If you are overindulging on sugar, salt, and snacks, then do not be surprised that your body is telling you it is tired. Decide to go through a cleanse to release these toxins from your body, and then focus on eating more fruits and vegetables.
This will invigorate your energy when you are faced with those early morning meetings.
4. Exercise:
When you exercise, it allows the body to release several toxins and stress that could be keeping you awake throughout the night. When most people hear the word “exercise”, this fear pops up. When will I have time? Where will I get the money to join a gym? Do I need to shop for gym clothes?
Do not let the fear keep you from being the best you. Start off with doing intermediate yoga or Pilates. If you look on or, you can find free exercising groups for running, biking or the new Latin-themed crazed workout Zumba. And, if you do need to buy some new workout gear, then check out your local thrift stores to get the best deals.
5. Don’t hit snooze:
There have been studies that prove hitting the snooze button can cause you to become drowsier throughout the day. When the alarm goes off, immediately get up and start your daily routine.
6. Change Your Attitude:
Waking up early in the morning does not have to be such a pain. Current research shows when people wake up in a bad mood, the rest of the day follows negatively in suit. So remember that when you wake up, stay positive.
I like to start my morning with, “Thank you Creator of the Universe for waking me up on this beautiful morning.” Being thankful puts you in a state of grace. That one change in your attitude can make getting up a privilege rather than a chore.
7. Take Melatonin:
Melatonin is a natural hormone that is already in your body. For some, they are lacking melatonin, which can make them extremely difficult to fall asleep. There is a natural made supplement that can be purchased over the counter at your local Wal Mart and similar places.
It comes in a small dosage from 0.5 and 1 milligram. You can take it an hour before going to bed and it will prepare you for sleeping. It is recommended that you consult your doctor before taking this medication.
8. Consult your doctor:
If you have tried different aids to no avail, consult with your doctor. You may have a sleeping disorder that needs to be addressed.
I recommend this because my brother was dealing with tiredness in the morning and extreme fatigue. During a regular physical examination, he disclosed this information with his primary doctor. The doctor was able to run certain tests on him and determined that he has sleep apnea. Now he is on medication and a sleep machine. He wakes up feeling like a million bucks.
Waking up early does not have to be challenging. Learning your body and natural sleep patterns can prevent exhaustion in the morning.
I currently wake up in the morning every day at 6 AM. It was hard at first, but now my body expects it. I have put in on a natural routine and it makes a huge different in how I feel during the day and my productive accomplishments have really paid off.
Good luck on finding the best way to help you wake up. And, make sure you are waking up for success.
How do you wake up early? Would love to hear your tips.
Image by [ jRa7 ].
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