A multipotentialite is a rare (or is it?) breed of humans who have several passions, although seemingly unrelated. These people love to “smoosh” different skills and interests together to build something unique.
If you look at a multipod’s resume, you’ll either see a series of totally unrelated “jobs” (although chances are, they will be business projects) or you’ll see a beautiful “mess” that somehow works and sticks together and even lets a multipod make a cool living off it.
But in reality, especially if you’re a freelancer, small business owner, or serial entrepreneur, being a multipotentialite, (or a multipod, scanner, renaissance man or woman) is a huge asset.
Here are some examples of renaissance men from history:
- Leonardo da Vinci: Painter, Sculptor, Philosopher, Engineer and more.
- Michelangelo Buonarroti: Painter, Sculptor, Poet, Writer, Musician.
- Galileo: Astronomy, Mathematics, Philosophy, Physics.
- Isaac Newton: Physics, Mathematics, Astronomy, Alchemy,Theology.
- Rabindranath Tagore: Literature, Musician, Painter.
And there are many more.
In this podcast, I talk about my story of multipotentiality, how to identify a multipod (and if you’re one), their characteristics and how to keep up with the demands of such a lifestyle.
Books mentioned in the Podcast:
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at 5:53 am
hi pooja.. i went through your mail and found it extremely inspiring.. motivating and invigorating,, it helps to recharge and spice-up after a hectic work-day and refresh the person to continue on and on…
at 2:17 am
Glad you liked it 🙂 Thanks for stopping by!
at 12:13 pm
I like: teaching, reading, counseling, being creative…so i tried making cookies, cupcakes, earrings, candytrees.. I even wrote a book!!! I am hard on myself because I keep saying life isn’t challenging enough and for that reason I want to start a business or two but I am not sure where or what to do!!!
Thank you so much!!! I worried me a great that I couldn’t be satisfied and I felt more lost every day!!! Now I don’t by into terms, but it is so so nice to understand who I am and my personality type.. that you!!