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are you a multipotentialite?
Podcast  Click to Listen [15 mins]

A multipotentialite is a rare (or is it?) breed of humans who have several passions, although seemingly unrelated. These people love to “smoosh” different skills and interests together to build something unique.

If you look at a multipod’s resume, you’ll either see a series of totally unrelated “jobs” (although chances are, they will be business projects) or you’ll see a beautiful “mess” that somehow works and sticks together and even lets a multipod make a cool living off it.

But in reality, especially if you’re a freelancer, small business owner, or serial entrepreneur, being a multipotentialite, (or a multipod, scanner, renaissance man or woman) is a huge asset.

Here are some examples of renaissance men from history:

  • Leonardo da Vinci: Painter, Sculptor, Philosopher, Engineer and more.
  • Michelangelo Buonarroti: Painter, Sculptor, Poet, Writer, Musician.
  • Galileo: Astronomy, Mathematics, Philosophy, Physics.
  • Isaac Newton: Physics, Mathematics, Astronomy, Alchemy,Theology.
  • Rabindranath Tagore: Literature, Musician, Painter.

And there are many more.

In this podcast, I talk about my story of multipotentiality, how to identify a multipod (and if you’re one), their characteristics and how to keep up with the demands of such a lifestyle.

Podcast  Click to Listen [15 mins]

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