“It is better to take many small steps in the right direction than to make a great leap forward only to stumble backward.” ~ Chinese Proverb
But unfortunately, we live in an age where competition is fast-paced and instant gratification is the need of the hour.
As we wait eagerly for the next diet fad to hit the market while forgetting quite conveniently how we skipped the last one after the initial couple of days, here are a few weight loss motivation tips that actually work from someone who has been there and done that!
How to Get Your Dose of Weight Loss Motivation
1. Set realistic goals.
If you set yourself a target of losing 10 kilos in the first month, you are being unrealistic. Start small and be regular in your efforts. Break down your long-term goals into short, realistic, time-bound goals that can be easily tracked.
2. Reduce temptation.
Reduce your chances of falling off the ladder by replacing all the junk food in your kitchen with healthier food choices such as nuts, fruits and vegetables. While at the grocery store, avoid the aisles which can trap you into buying an unhealthy bag of chips or can of soda.
The easiest way to do this is by planning the coming week’s menu well ahead of time and carrying a detailed list with you while going out. This will help you shop by category and stay away from the junk food aisles in the supermarket.
Also, have a light snack before heading out as an empty stomach can lure into making decisions that you might regret later.
3. Do not punish yourself.
Do not punish yourself by completing banishing the dishes you love from your menu as it will only increase your craving for it. It is also perfectly human to slip once in a while and eat something that was not suitable. That does not mean that you have failed; you just have to make sure that you get back on track sooner rather than later.
4. Aim for good health, not the perfect bod.
Your aim may be to look like the ravishing model on the cover page of the latest Cosmopolitan. Rest assured, you can get there but only after strict adherence to strenuous workout regimes and carefully regulated diets.
Keep your physical limitations in mind without blindly following the latest fad to hit the weight loss market and be in touch with your physician before starting any new diet regime. A healthy and fit body should be your fitness goal, not size zero.
5. Get a partner.
Hang out with friends who share your enthusiasm for getting back in shape. Get them to join you in your daily workouts and encourage each other when you find the other person’s energy levels dipping. Studies report that it is easier to stick to a diet if you have like-minded friends. As if we didn’t know that already! 🙂
6. Be inventive in the kitchen.
Healthy, home-cooked meals are always better than pre-packaged meals which are high on sodium and fat content. Get inventive in the kitchen, search for new recipes and find healthier ways to cook your favorite food. Healthy does not have to mean boring anymore!
7. Feel the power.
You may not see visible results immediately after you start your new diet or excise regime, but you can feel the effects much sooner. The glow on your face, the apparent spring in your step and your high energy levels are good enough factors for weight loss motivation, aren’t they?
8. Be regular.
Be regular in your exercise routine and dietary habits and do not skip meals. It is difficult to make healthy food choices when your stomach is rumbling and it increases your chances of going off your dietary plan.
9. Pin it up for a huge dose of weight loss motivation.
Write down your fitness mantra and display it prominently on your bedpost or somewhere where you will see it daily. Pin up your wedding photo (all of us look out best on our wedding day, I guess) or your college snaps on your refrigerator to inspire yourself.
10. Treat yourself by a ‘cheat’ reward.
A slice of chocolate cake or pizza is good once in a while as long as it does not become a daily occurrence. Instead of having it on a regular basis, satisfy your cravings by saving it for the occasional treat and use it to aid you in weight loss motivation.
How did you motivate yourself towards losing weight? Share your tips in the comments below!
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Image by visualpanic.