Here is a round-up of the coolest Happiness + Motivation posts on the Net for this week. Please read and leave a comment which one you enjoyed the most! I particularly loved number 1, 2 & 4!
7 Best Happiness + Motivation Posts this Week
1. How to Begin Rebuilding Your Life and Make It Ridiculously Amazing: This article shares 12 most important things you can do to turnaround your life. I loved the author’s “commitment letter to yourself”. I’ve fond that once you commit to yourself, the little nagging voice (mini-me) in your head won’t let you cheat! I also like her thoughts about giving yourself permission to fail. Check it out to see if you relate.
2. 10 Ways to Make the Rest of Today Amazing: How can you make the rest of your day even better than is it? Do the 10 things in this post. I can especially relate to #4 — spend one hour on something that gets you in “flow”.
3. 12 Things Happy People Do Differently — And Why I Started Doing Them: The author went through a quarter-life crisis at age 24, quit his job, moved to Hawaii and in his words, “got very serious about discovering what made me tick”. Wow! That is some goal. I love how he asks you to kill social comparison because it is the cause of low self-esteem and unhappiness.
4. 15 Things You Can Do to Start Living the Life of Your Dreams: What’s the biggest adventure you can indulge in? Chasing your goals! And how do you do that? One of the ways, according to this article, is to think in terms of possibilities and not limitations. There’s more nuggets like “focus on things you can control”, so go ahead and read it.
5. Are You Wasting Your 10,000 Hours? A quick read, this article educates you in “deliberate practice” — what it is and what it isn’t. For example, when you’re working, it is engaging what you already know. When you’re playing, the goal is to play and lose ourselves by being in the zone. Deliberate practice is something different, and the author explains it best.
6. 4 Terrifying Lessons We Only Learn as We Age (and How to Accept Them): There’s no sugar-coating in this one — if you’re ready to find out the harshest truths of life and how to make good use of them in your own life, give this one a go.
7. Let’s Crush the Fluffy Self-help Bullshit: The self-help industry has a habit of repeating what’s already said a zillion times. Why? I think because humans need repetitions until we truly embody and embrace what is being said. But sometimes, this can send a wrong message. We get stuck in the self-help learning mode only — but the best learning is by doing! The author does go over the top, but has a point. Also don’t miss the comment section for a great mental kick!
Your Turn!
What key lessons did you learn from the above posts? Share your thoughts below.
Image by Josef Seibel.
at 10:40 am
Hey Pooja,
Thanks for sharing my article. There are some serious bombshells here. I particular love numbers 3 and 6. Really great stuff!
at 11:34 pm
Hey Kevin
Thanks to you too for the share! I enjoyed reading your piece. 🙂