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6 Best Happiness + Positive Living Posts on the Net this Week

I am back with a round-up of the coolest Happiness + Positive Living posts on the Net for this week. Please read and leave a comment which one you enjoyed the most! I loved number 1, 2 & 5 the most.

6 Best Happiness + Positive Living Posts this Week

1. The Myth of Passion and MotivationDo you have problems staying focused on your goals for long? Do you get easily bored working on your goals? Everyone feels the lack of motivation, but it seems the difference between those who achieve their goals and those who don’t is pretty simple: The former group is OK with boredom — could that be the missing secret? Read more to find out.

2. The Avocado Theory: This one cracks me up! 🙂 Do you know how avocados tease you into playing the “come eat me not” and “not yet” game? Unlike other fruits, avocados are the hardest to understand. When are they ready to be eaten? Takes a seasoned player to know that. Men, it seems, are similar. Intrigued? Then go, read the post!

3. 6 Toxic Relationship Habits Most People Think Are NormalIndeed, they don’t teach you how to have good, nourishing relationships in school. Sigh. The author shares straight advice in this piece, and know what? Most of it clicks with me as true!

Related: The Science of Self-Improvement and Positive Relationships

4. How to Complain LessThe author runs a blog on minimalism and although I haven’t (yet) converted into a minimalist, I love the simple but effective advice of how to stop complaining and being happy with what is. Love it.

5. Ever Worry You Have No Purpose In Life? No purpose in life? No problem! The author shares some deep self-reflective questions to ponder. Read the post to find out what to do if you’re feeling purposeless lately.

6. Why Some People Always Focus On The Negative: Ever have a friend who constantly worries or thinks the world hates them? Perhaps, they are focusing too much on the negative. The author, a whistleblower, shares some latest, in-depth research on why some people are like that. Is it because of our education, the environment, something in our genes? Is it contagious? For answers, read the post.

Which one’s your favorite?

Image by Pink Sherbet Photography.

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