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motivation and happiness

Here is a collection of the best Happiness + Motivation posts doing the rounds of the Net this week. Please read and leave a comment which one did you find the most helpful.

7 Best Happiness + Motivation Posts on the Net: Round-Up

1. Things Successful People Do on Monday Morning  This article gathers tips from different people who have “made it” in their respective fields. Check out some refreshing ways to kickstart your week (it’s not what you think!). My personal favorite is “take advantage of the commute”. You bet!

2. Not Happy Is OK, Too  It seems like pretty much any where you go, you meet “happiness proponents”. But let’s face it: Trying to be happy 100% of the times could be exhausting, not to mention fake. This article gives no BS advice on what to do at such times.

3. Why Personal Development Is the Best Investment You’ll Ever Make  To accomplish goals, get things done and build an amazing business, you first need to embrace the attitude of the person who is able to achieve it all. How? Embrace personal development. Well said in this post!

4. The Happiness Habit  Learn the eight happiness habits through this post. Highly recommended.

5. Top 20 Motivation Hacks  A series of short posts talking about each hack. You may have heard of most of the hacks before, but the series is a good reminder and the author uses personal life examples to make his point.

6. Re-Train Your Brain to Overcome “Microwave Mentality”  The post shares a great message: “Anything worth doing is worth doing right”. And it tells you how to do so. For starters, it has a lot to do with breaking and writing down your goals.

7. Finding the Upside When Life Is Upside Down  The author shares three “reality checks” when things get tough — Look for a silver lining, choices affect outcome, change your perspective to change the result.

What key lessons did you learn from the above personal development posts? Share your personal perspective in the comments below.

Image by PatrickLim1996.

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