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principles of success take action


Hiya. Welcome to Episode #2 of successful and extraordinary living. In today’s podcast, we talk about the second step in the series which is taking (massive) action.

[Missed podcast 1? Listen here ~8 mins]

Once you know your outcome, it’s not enough to acknowledge it and do nothing. Instead, take that knowledge and convert it into something more tangible through action.

Will Rogers said, “Even if you’re on the right track, you will get run over if you just sit there.”

Have a goal? Great. But unless you’ve taken the first, tiniest action-step toward it, you haven’t truly committed yourself.

Think about the last time you set a great goal for yourself. Pick one that you did not achieve. Now, look closely — did you really commit yourself to it? Did you take the first tiny step toward it? After the first step, did you take the second step toward it?

You stopped midway; you silently announced that your goal was not achievable. You took it as failure and tried to forget about it. But you wanted it so bad that you started blaming yourself for being a “failure” in attempts to justify your giving up.

If that rings a bell, good! Awareness is 95% of the journey.

Most people mistakenly think of their goals as un-achievable, whereas all they really need to do is re-adjust the action steps.

Motion –> Emotion.

Once you get moving, you’ll create pretty extraordinary emotions (happiness, sense of achievement, a feeling of awesome. . .)

Action never sleeps. One step sets a segue for the next, and so on. That’s when you’ve got massive action. That’s when all the ducks line up in a row.

So listen, there’s no problem with your goal. The problem is in your action (or the lack of it).

In this podcast, I share a personal story and decode what kept me from taking action and how I finally had to make the move. I trust you’ll put this into good use.

The podcast is about 12 minutes long, so give it a listen and tell me what you think in the comments below!

Podcast Listen here


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