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What is self-awareness
Let’s say during a conversation, the person on the other end has a completely different point of view.

If I am not conscious, I will be reliant on my mood and respond. That could literally mean anything. My behavior will be inconsistent simply because mood is forever changing.

That would stop me from making smarter decisions, having more choices and control over myself and having other people’s trust and support.

Which is detrimental to my own goals and happiness in the long run. You can’t do it all alone, you need others to cheer for and lift you up.

For example, at times I may feel like listening to this person and really understand where they are coming from.

But it could also mean I don’t feel like listening just because I’m having a bad day.

The emotional center or primitive part of our brain is involved in every decision we make. When you’re feeling strong emotions, these parts can hijack your brain.

That’s where self-awareness is so purposeful.

Awareness happens between the space of feeling something and doing something as a result of that feeling.

It lets you use your emotions wisely and catch yourself before you go into the primitive flight or freeze response.

It’s not that hard. All you need to do is step back and observe the two humans, you and your friend, engaged in a conversation.

Now watch your body language. Are you animated? Are you agitated? Are you engaged? Could your words be hurting this other person? Are you enjoying this person’s company, and vice versa?

By detaching yourself from “you”, you get a chance to become even more aware of yourself. Kind of like an Out of Body Experience (OBE).

How can you be more aware the next time you’re in a heated argument?


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